Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Student Tutorials

Project: Demonstrate how to analyze and work through Science TAKS questions.
Tools: Video (Flip camera, Nano iPod Video), Desktop or Laptop

Famous Scientist - Glogster

Project: Use research findings to create a glog for a famous scientist. Tools: Desktop or laptop, headphones, microphones, video camera (nano video or flip camera)

Mind Maps

Project/Idea: Students create a mind map as a prewrite for persuading their teacher to get a classroom pet.
Tools: Desktop or laptop, access to internet, mindmapping software (Kidspiration/Inspiration) or access to online mindmapping tools.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Holocaust with iPod Touch & Digital Frames

Project: Students listen to two podcasts from the Holocaust Museum on the iPod Touches and made connections between racisim and attitudes today and during the Holocaust. With the digital picture frames, students viewed pictures of propaganda, concentration camps, and deportation of the Jews. Students wrote about how the pictures made them feel. It was an open-ended assignment that allowed the students to pull in past knowledge and feelings and allowed them to connect with subject matter. The class came together at the end and students and teachers worked through the ideas that the students had from the station and then they jumped into Anne Frank.
Tools: iPod Touch, digital picture frames, headphones, headphone splitters, and desktop or laptop (teacher use)